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Awesome ending


Thanks for playing the game!

Your game has been abducted and archived, funny alien!

Thanks for the video and for playing the game!


Made me lol, GOTY

(1 edit) (+1)

Haha thanks for your comment and for playing the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

IMA CATCH THAT UFO: Un granjero obsesionado con los ovnis está convencido de que los extraterrestres abdujeron a su querida Jenny. ¿Pero quién le creería? Si solo tuviera algún tipo de prueba ¡Y bum! Justo después de haber bebido 15 botellas de cerveza, un ovni se estrella en su granja, esta es su oportunidad de mostrarle al mundo que los extraterrestres existen... Gracias por el juego, saludos!!!

Hola Belrion, gracias por jugarlo y por el gameplay! Un saludo!

Hi Belrion, thanks for playing it and for the gameplay! Cheers!


Nice this was very good game i liked it and fun was that can launch the cows and also i managed the secret ending too anyway well done keep it up!

Thanks for playing the game!